A Capital Idea

Are you looking for the perfect way to spend a summer evening during your stay in Québec City? If so, I have just the thing for you: Go watch the local nine run the bases at Canac Stadium in the Lower Town.

Les Capitales de Québec are Québec City’s minor league baseball team. Since 1999, they have been entertaining residents of this capital city with winning baseball – seven league championships in 21 years. Not too shabby, if you ask me. Since late in 2019, the Capitales have been part of the Frontier League, an independent league that has teams on both sides of the Canada/US border. This year, because of the Covid pandemic, the Capitales have joined forces with the team from Trois-Rivières and have played the first half of their season completely in United States as Équipe Québec. But, with travel restrictions easing now, the boys of summer are back in town!

Last week, I went to one of the first games on home turf. Oh, what an experience! The weather was perfect – not too hot, not too cold. The view was exceptional – the bright lights, the green field. And the players brought their A game. Although the home team came up a bit short in the box score at the end of nine innings, a good time was had by all. My seventeen-year-old daughter and her friend especially liked the carnivalesque entertainments typical of minor league ballparks across North America. And that’s the thing. You don’t have to be a baseball fan to revel in an evening at Stade Canac. There is atmosphere and ambiance to please all tastes.

Play ball!

12 thoughts on “A Capital Idea”

  1. Allo Neil,
    Toujours très intéressant.
    Bonne suggestion de sortie.
    Pour y être déjà allé, l’ambiance carnavalesque et foraine m’avait davantage intéressé, n’étant pas un grand fan de baseball.
    La foule est bon enfant et réagit à tout ce qui se passe dans le stade autant sur la zone de jeu que dans les gradins. Belle expérience à vivre.

  2. Marc Lautenbacher

    Hello Neil,

    Thanks for your recommendation to see Quebec City from another point of view – even though I am not very interested in baseball sports events as you are!

    Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very, very much for the six months, having you as my experienced teacher at Collège Mérici – very inspiring, full of interesting facts and always in a good mood. Your formation gave me the power to create my own business in Quebec City as a tour guide, specialized for german speaking visitors in our great historic city.

    Thanks again, with warmest greetings
    Marc Lautenbacher (Quebec/Canada)

  3. Salut Neil. J’ai malheureusement raté leur rentrée. Je suis dans le bois jusqu’en septembre. J’ai toutefois mes billets pour le 6 septembre contre les Jackalls. C’est la seule partie à laquelle je peux assister. J’espère bien me reprendre l’an prochain. Bon été à toi.

  4. I live in Amherst, OH not far from the Lake Erie Monsters stadium in Avon. Had the opportunity to see one of the games when the Capitales visited. I was the crazy old man who kept shouting, “Allez, capitales.” Lot of fun! I enjoy you columns immensely.

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