The numbers for 2017 are coming in and we are discovering that it has been a banner year for Québec City. Tourists came by the hundreds of thousands to see the la Vieille Capitale. In fact, they came in record numbers, surpassing even 2008 – the 400th anniversary of the founding of the city and the year against which all tourist seasons are now measured.
Québec City shone in terms of critical acclaim, as well: USA Today named the Old City the Best Attraction in Canada, the Cruise Critic editors crowned us Best North American Homeport, and Travel + Leisure conferred on the city the title of Best Destination in Canada for the second year in a row.
Meanwhile, the streets of Old Québec continue to impress as 2017 comes to a close. The buildings are decorated for the season with lights and garlands, while the public squares each show off their unique winter character. La Place Royale outshines them all, in my opinion, with a lone Christmas tree installed on the site where it all started. Currier and Ives would be at home here with tourists and locals alike soaking up the holiday cheer.
And Québec City tour guides are on the job despite the extreme cold that descended upon the region in mid-December. Dressed in layers and prudently shod, they introduce visitors to the many wonders the city has to offer. Not only do they explain the history of this place, but they also tender words of wisdom to those friends from further south who are not quite so well prepared for the frigid weather.
Happy New Year, everyone! Au plaisir de vous croiser dans les rues du Vieux-Québec!
We loved our first visit to Quebec City and hope to visit it again. Have a very happy new year!
I want to continue receiving your updates.
Merci et je souhaite au plus québécois lover que je connaise la plus étincellante des années!!!!
au revolr
Beautiful tree! Beautiful photo!
Happy New Year to you, Neil. I always enjoy your posts. Keeep ‘me coming!j
Keep ’em coming!
So beautiful! Thank you Neil and best wishes to you and your family for the new year.
Jay and I still cherish our memories of our trip to your beautiful city with you as our guide. We wish you a Happy New Year and may 2018 bring you peace, happiness, and good health!
Sandra and Jay Aldrich
Thank you for this piece on beautiful Quebec City. Best wishes for the new year..and stay warm!
Happy and Helthy New year to you and your family. Thank you for the wonderful post.
Glad to have been among this year’s throngs. Happy New Year!
You made our visit! We will always treasure our visit.
Happy New Year! Beautiful photo, thank you!
We loved your knowledge of the city and your emails. Keep them coming. Happy New Year
Happy and Healthy New Year Keep up the great work you do we will be back
We learned so much from you
I have enjoyed your emails and meeting you. I wish you and your family a Very Happy and Healthy 2018.
We enjoyed our tour of your lovely city Neil and you made it so interesting. Thank you.
Happy New year to you all in Quebec.
Les années se suivent et ne ressemblent pas disent certains !
Et pourtant chaque année passée me semble plus profitable
pour la suivante.
“Au gui l’an neuf” symbole de prospérité et longue vie,
à l’auteur de cette lettre et Québec and moi.
The Pioneer Press wrote an excellent article on Quebec bringing back wonderful memories of thIs beautiful.
Interesting, loved our visit to Quebec and hope to return someday. Enjoy your commentary
Happy New Year Neil!
Happy new year Neil;
Always you describe Québec city in details even in winter time and summer season! So that makes Québec more attractive by our visitors.
Thanks lot Neil!
A beautiful photo, thanks for sharing. We enjoyed the tour we took with you last year and we look forward to visiting QC again in the near future. All the best in 2018!
Bonne année Neil. Continue tes publications toujours très intéressantes. À bientôt.
I remember that church and area during my summer visit a couple of years ago. Beautiful!! I look forward to visiting Quebec City again. Happy New Year Neil!
What a beautiful photo!
Your photo is so beautiful. We visited your city for the first time this summer,we thought your city was the most beautiful we have ever seen. Keep me in the loop.
Happy New Year! It would be wonderful to visit Quebec in the winter holiday season! I very much enjoy your posts!
It was an incredible year as a Tour Guide, the people became what the city shares. They become our family. People are amazed to see how safe and clean our city is. So let’s give ourselves a hand for receiving all of these incredible people. Don’t you agree!!!
Congrats to your wonderful city on its 2017 success, and special thanks for including the photo!
Summer, Spring, Autumn and even Winter, Québec City is always changing but remains throughout the year, as your picture shows, one of the most beautiful, magical and interesting city to visit in America, even in the World!!
Excellent texte et concis!
Bonne année 2018 Neil!
Happy New Year to you and all those you love. We remembered our visit to Quebec as we hung a Christmas tree decoration bought in the old town during our stay there in October. Wonderful memories.
Thank you for the picture and the history of the town. Love getting all of your emails.
Merci, Neil, de réussir à nous présenter Québec sous une perspective toujours étonnante. J’espère que tu ne m’en voudras pas de te “piquer” quelques mots de tes stimulantes chroniques. On va finir par être bons… Bonne Année !
Tu peux piquer tout ce que tu voudras, Odette!
And a Good New Year from us in Scotland. We have happy memories of a great tour in and around Quebec, greatly helped by your helpful and informative commentary.
Neil, je te souhaite une bonne année!
Au plaisir de se croiser dans les rues du Vieux-Québec.
J’ai effectivement rencontré des guides qui, courageusement et chaudement emmitouflés, faisaient découvrir les charmes de la Ville à des touristes mal habillés et gelés qui sont venus défoncer l’année dans une ambiance hivernale sans pareil et si « exotique » pour eux. Ils sont sûrement repartis avec de beaux souvenirs et des engelures.
Bonjour Neil!
Une bonne année à toi aussi, satisfaisante au plan professionnel!
Et grâce à tes “post”, j’en profite souvent pour vérifier/apprendre quelques mots de vocabulaire anglais que je ne connaissais pas. Merci!
Patrice Murray
Thanks for the update and happy new year to you too, Neil 🙂
I so enjoy your vignettes. It’s wonderful to be transported to a place dear to my heart. Happy New Year to you and your family, and thank you for sharing your posts.