Québec and moi:
Confessions of a Québec City tour guide
Walk. Don’t walk.
I don’t know if it is true where you live, but here in Québec City…
St. Matthew’s Anglican Church
Québec City’s St. John Street starts within the city walls and stretches westward, becoming the…
Elvis de Québec
Elvis de Québec Have you seen Elvis? No, not that Elvis, our Elvis. Québec’s Elvis. His name is David…
Québec in 2014
The laurels keep coming in for Québec City! La Vielle Capitale has just been put…
Ste Anne to the rescue
St. Anne, patroness to mariners, miners, cabinet makers, and pregnant women, can add one more…
A man flu???
In French-speaking Québec, even the common flu takes on a different accent, becoming contested ground…
German Christmas Market
Sprechen sie deutsch? Do you speak German? Well, actually, speaking German is not mandatory at…
What’s in a name?
For most of the 17th and 18th century, Québec City was the capital of a…
L’ancien bureau de poste
Situated at the top of Mountain Hill, l’ancien bureau de poste is an impressive building….